Monday, February 16, 2009

er... a real life flood narrative.

I went to visit my grandparents a few days ago while their town was under a state of emergency because of flooding. They live on the north branch of the Sydenham river, about two miles north of the east branch, which had already risen above street level. Apparently there were miniature icebergs floating down mainstreet.

When I got there an icebreaker was going up and down the north branch literally doing doughnuts (that's Canadian for spinning out) trying to break the ice dam that formed in front of my grandparents. Fortunately the river top the street, I had visions of carry my gram on my back to the garage roof...

Anyway, here are some pics, the way these guys handled the tug was amazing. They would push straight to the shore and open the throttle in an attempt to create a current that could push the ice downstream. Oh, and the tugs' name is Menasha, its apparently a town in Wisconsin, but also a great character name.

1 comment:

GlorV1 said...

Wow, that is some flooding. Great pictures and kind of scary. Hope your Grandmother is okay. Take care.